Darwin, Northern Territory
July 8, 2007

Yacht Yoga in the Darwin Mooring Basin -
when was the last time you looked at your packing gland?
(Wojo) Holy smokes we made IT!!!!!!
On July 4th (fitting date) we slipped through the
Howard Channel and dropped the hook in Fannie Bay just off the city of Darwin.
Wow. We've made a lot of landfalls but rarely are they this sweet. It's only
been about two months since we departed Bundaberg but if feels much more like
six. In all we anchored in 25 different stops and made more than 2500 miles.
Five minutes after getting the hook down we were off for some much need Fourth
of Ju-ly cervesas with Chris and KT from Billabong, whom we haven't seen
since last November in Bundaberg. I've never been hugged onsite by so
many people at once.
Two days later we had a lead on a berth inside one of
the local marinas for a slip. The bay was very nice but was an extremely long
dinghy ride, not to mention the extremely large tidal range which made dragging
the dinghy high up on the beach a bear. We locked through with Moose and
Swanya into the commercial fishing-focused Frances Bay Mooring Basin
which is suuuper relaxed -- tie up wherever you like ...

Locking through in Frances Bay
The next day was pretty typical. I awoke at 0730 to an
annoying alarm going off and wondered who was making so much @#$%'ing noise so
early in the day and quickly discovered that it was us! Our large bilge alarm
was tripped and screaming for attention. When this happens it usually means
something bad is happening -- like we are sinking. I checked the seacocks and
found them all to be dry. Then noticed that the "dripless" packing glad behind
the engine had a continuous drip coming from between itself and the shaft. I
enlisted Steph to help get the cockpit sole off so I could get in and back off
the lock nut to tighten up the packing nut. After 1/64 of a turn on the packing
nut things were going much better.
Passage across the Gulf of Carpentaria
and rounding Cape Wessel
June 26, 2007
(wojo) One of the most common questions we get from
non-sailors or even people who are thinking about starting the cruising
lifestyle is "what about storms?" Usually I tell them (truthfully) that from
Mexico to the Cook Islands we were only using weather fax to "find" wind 90% of
the time with the other 10% just to keep a keen eye on any cold fronts coming
our way which were very rare. I like to try to end the conversation about bad
weather right there but sometimes people will stop me and say "but hey! You've
sailed all the way to Aussie. What about from the Cooks onward??" Hmm. How do I
put this delicately. All I can say is that from our experience in the past two
years the weather gets, shall we say, a bit different from that point
West. If you read some of our posts from 2006 you know what I'm referring to --
like getting 30 kts everyday and having an early season cyclone on day two of
our crossing from Vanuatu to Bundaberg.
The weather was mostly OK'ish inside the Great Barrier
Reef with SE trades in the 25 kt range dominating most days -- fine
delivery-style weather to get a heavy boat like ours moving North at 6.5 kts in
those 70+ mile "day hops." Our little group definitely breathed a sigh of
relief once we all rounded Cape York and headed down to Red Island for a siesta.
Kimberly from Swanya is probably one of the most gifted and thorough
weather techs in the entire South Pacific and we felt soooo lucky to have her
along. So taking that into consideration, and the fact that the other 10 yachts
which were about to make the 400 mile leap across the Gulf of Carpenteria for
the final westward march to Darwin were all experienced blue water passagemakers,
you can appreciate the following.
Steph had a bad feeling about this passage even before
we pulled up the hook in Sesia. Something just didn't feel right. I told her it
would be OK and that MetService was predicting three or four days of 15-20 kt
SE'rs with more wind coming later. I thought we'd be able to get across just in
time to avoid any unpleasantness. The first day of the three day passage was not
bad -- the first ten hours consisted of motoring in two foot swell with only 8
kts of wind right behind us. As the wind filled in we all made sail nicely in
the high 6 kt SOG range.
Around lunchtime on day two a big pod of false killer
whales played with us for more than an hour (see the link to the video below).
But by the middle of that day I started to suspect something was up (as did
Kimberly). The weather faxes were now showing a fast developing trough heading
our way and the bottom was falling out of the barograph. To cut to the chase by
dinner time we were in 30 kts and 15-foot huge seas that came from all
directions, thanks to the shallowness of the entire gulf. Carpentaria was living
up to all of its legend. Around 2200 we decided to heave-to. Heaving to worked
out well for us, however, all the other yachts with us just decided to pound
through the beam seas and head for the anchorage around Cape Wessel. We needed a
rest and slept soundly for 10 hours. When we awoke the next morning the wind was
still screaming but we had a new outlook on life and even decided that we'd sail
much more comfortably with a reef in our Hasse Stays'il (which we have reefed
only one other time in last 14,000 miles of cruising).
To anyone who might be interested in buying a great
Westsail 32 (for a fair price) in the future I can honestly tell you that in
times like this the boat just looks after herself and thank Neptune for that!
Under double reef'd main (why we were not flying the trys'il I have no idea now)
and stays'il we just had to set the windvane and go below and lay on the cabin
sole on top of the cockpit cushions. I pop my head out to give a look at the
RADAR and horizon about every 30 minutes or so. Mico was on autopilot (without
an autopilot) as much as she gets in conditions like these.
Later the next day in the early pre-dawn hours we
rounded Cape Wessel and beat into 30 kts and 3 kts of current right on the nose,
but made it in just at sunrise. (Note: if we hadn't hove-to for that 10-hour
period, we would have arrived in the anchorage at night. One of the boats that
entered at night went aground and had to be towed off by a few customs boats for
six hours. They were very lucky the customs boats were in the area -- talk about
remote places!) Our friends were very relieved to see us because we'd not been
in contact for a day. Immediately people we don't even know called us to let us
know how glad they were of our safe arrival. We have not had a working
anemometer since Mexico (gladly so in conditions like these), but we've been
told gusts reached up to 45 kts. (Steph) The windspeeds were not the worst thing,
however; it was the seas in this notorious body of water that live up to the new
name we've christened it -- the Gulf of CRAPentaria.
False Killer Whales
playing with Mico before the storm ...
Thursday Island, Torres Straight, Queensland
June 22, 2007
While anchored off Red Island we decided to visit TI
the easy way - on someone else's boat! There's a daily ferry that leaves right
from the wharf in Sesia (about 100m from where we dropped the hook). It turned
out to be the perfect place to spend five hours complete with an old fort,
rainforest and Australia's Top Pub for a little later afternoon "sesh."

Guns at the TI Fort

Thursday Island anchorage, with Horn Island
in distance

Red Island Anchorage (Sesia), Western Cape York Peninsula
June 20, 2007
After making around the top we caught a fast current
into Sesia harbor before heading across to Darwin.

Bamaga village near Sesia
Lizard Island to Cape York hops
June 20, 2007
Anyone who's ever sailed North from Brisbane, Bundy or
Sydney can appreciate just how long it is to Cape York once you get north of
Lizard Island. There are reefs everywhere, and constant shipping traffic, so you
end up swerving through, and around, them all. The transit consisted of very
long day hops averaging 60 miles per day with one run at 77 miles. We made the
trip with a few friends, which we don't usually do. But one of the advantages of
buddy boating is you get a lot of pictures of yourself sailing. Read more!

When you're sailing with friends you are all
required by law to take lots of cool pics of each other under sail
Island, Flinders group
June 14, 2007
To wait out heavy weather we spent a very restful four
days in the Flinders group. Only 35 short miles from Ninian Bay. The island was
occupied by Aborigines going back 5,000 years until 1945, and one cave has some
spectacular paintings. The shots below cover some of the art we found.
Read More!

Boomerang and lugs'il, from the days when ships began to visit

Aboriginal cave art on Stanley Island

Sea turtles and maybe a frog?
Lizard Island
June 7, 2007

The anchorage at Lizard Island
(Steph) We sailed overnight to Fitzroy Island
where we took the new/old outboard to shore. We reunited with our friends from
Beyond and shared cold drinks at the small bar there. Then it was back to
the boat to prepare for the next day's departure for Lizard Island, where we
hoped to catch up with some of our other friends.
A lovely day and night of sailing
followed. We were traveling in the shipping lanes, which was terrifying but
unavoidable in the reef-strewn Coral Sea. When we see ships approach, we always
try to hail them on the radio to make sure they are aware of our presence. Very
rarely do they respond, and usually the next 30 minutes are spent in sweaty,
fearful anticipation while we find out whether we have to change course to avoid
their thundering advance. But here, in the extremely narrow shipping lanes
between coral reefs, even the big ships are nervous, so everyone responded to
our radio calls. For being pretty high traffic, it was pretty low stress ... Read More!

Yes, we are really moored that close to the Great Barrier Reef
(hey, it wasn't like it was my boat out there)
Townsville to Lizard Island
June 7, 2007
(Steph) We finally left Townsville on June
1st, a Friday. The days leading up to it were a bit stressful, as we were
sitting around spending money on a marina slip, rental cars, and easily
accessible cold beers and ice cream, all the while anticipating a painful
invoice for our outboard. I tried to avoid adding up all the expenses we were
pouring into our old outboard, because I did not want to come to the realization
that we would have been better off just buying a new one! In the end, however,
we were more than happy -- the mechanic did an excellent, thorough job with the
outboard and it runs better than it ever has. And, he only charged us for 1.5
hours of labor, which is absolutely preposterous. He must have put in much more
than that. Warren thought maybe he felt guilty for all the time it took to
finally complete the job, but how could a guy stay in business if he feels
guilty every time he does his job? Anyway, we were happy to finally be released
from the clutches of Townsville.

We drove to Alva Beach when we had the car.
An unremarkable beach except for a huge army of little blue crabs. Thousands of
them were running around in herds.

Fitzroy Island anchorage
We sailed overnight to Fitzroy Island
where we took the new/old outboard to shore. We reunited with our friends from
Beyond and shared cold drinks at the small bar there. Then it was back to
the boat to prepare for the next day's departure for Lizard Island, where we
hoped to catch up with some of our other friends.
Townsville, Queensland
May 27, 2007
Sheesh are we every going to get outta here or what??
We're still waiting for the outboard to be repaired after burning up all the
gears and bearings due to some bad fuel. At least there are plenty of Koalas in
the wild here to keep Steph happy.
Read More!
Townsville, Queensland
May 22, 2007

Sunset with Mico in Cid Harbor from the deck
of MV Sea Eagle
(wojo) We're back in the real world unfortunately after three
wonderful weeks of real cruising. This week we made a very low stress passage
from Hook island to Townsville with a stop-over in Bowen (in answer to your
question, unfortunately we did not get picked as extras for the new Baz Luhrman
flick). The wind and seas for this past trip were so perfectly pleasant it was
scary. We flew the Hasse Spinnaker for most of the day and then switched to our
working sails when the wind picked up a couple knots around sunset.
We shot a little silly video of
our lizard experiences and flying the
new spinnaker here too.
Here's a bit of info on our time
in peaceful Nara Inlet on Hook
Island too.
Whitsunday Island
May 16, 2007

Goana make you crazy
I can't believe that after all these years of imagining
the fabled Whitsunday islands we've actually sailed into Cid harbor!
Read More
Brampton Island, Cumberland Group (Whitsundays)
May 11, 2007
We made a nice little day-hop over to Brampton-Carlisle
island. Lots happened while we were here including a nasty storm we sat out in
the very protected anchorage, hiking every inch of the island and nearly killing
poor old Bonobo finally. Read
Scawfell Island, Cumberland Group (Whitsundays)
May 8, 2007

(wojo) Well ... that was good is all I can say ... At
least we're finally back out there doing it all over again. We sailed from
Keppel Island to Pearl Bay two days ago. Pearl is a very pretty but extremely
rolly layover on your way North. Theoretically one is not allowed to even go
ashore since it's part of a huge military training grounds where the Australian
gov't can play G.I. Joes with the real thing. The next morning at around 0900 we
set off for another overnigher to Scawfell island which is just at the start of
the famous Whitsunday group. The passage was basically OK for the first 90%.
Read more!
Sunset in Pearl Bay
Great Keppel Island, Queensland
May 4, 2007

Mico sailing in Hervey Bay just outside of
(Steph) We are finally cruising again! And with all the good things come the
not-so-good-things, but let's back up a day or two ...
On Wednesday morning, May 2, we left Bundaberg. We had been waiting for winds
to fill in from the SE for a few days, and finally decided that the forecasted
NE winds were going to have to do. We spent way too long in several anchorages
last year waiting for weather, and sometimes it never came. So we learned to
deal with it. And we like to say we've learned from our past, so we decided to
just go for it. And we are very glad we did. We are finally cruising again!
Read more!
Coral Coast,
May 1, 2007
Just complete a very nasty job today - cleaning the prop
from the dinghy. Last month when we help bring Mystic Rhythms upriver to Midtown
Marina we were all dismayed to find that with the dirty bottom we could only
make 3.5 knots with both engines at 2200 RPMs!
This was about second worst the prop has ever looked -
topped only after leaving Mico in the water for seven months in Fiji. I started
chipping away at the barnacles and part of the prop on the edge just crumbled
away in my hand! My first thought was - oh my god - this marina was so
electrically hot we've just eaten away part of the prop! Actually there was some
kind of organic and very touch sheath all the way around the three blades. Phew.
Yesterday was pretty typical too - a job that I thought
would take about 10 minutes took six hours. I wanted to enlarge the hole for the
eye bolt on the cranse iron which attached to the snubber block so we could go
one size up (the smaller ones bend in more than 40 knots at anchor). Drilling
through stainless is not the easiest thing to do - even if there's already a big
pilot hole. I started using the 12v drill but quickly moved up to the big 500W
110v power drill. It still took hours - however we were definitely using the
wrong type of drill bit and didn't have good cutting oil. Eventually we made it
through - I feel for my neighbors who had to endure the noise all afternoon.

The marina manager Geoff hosts a field trip to pink dock -
note how every kid is required to wear a wide brim hat
Coral Coast,
April 30, 2007
This is an update just for Pierre Semac today - who's
always keen on learning about celestial navigation! Today is a simple one, just
doing a "Local apparent noon (LAN)" calculation. It's also known as "meridian
passage" since using the time when the sun crosses you Longitude is key.
I had a rough idea of the latitude since we've been on
this coast for six months but this calculation is primarily used for find it if
you don't know exactly. Start with what you 'do' know - a nautical almanac or
pre sight computer makes it easy to find out roughly when LAN will occur. This
is useful because it means you don't need to stand out on deck for two hours
looking for the peak. If you have literaly no idea what you latitude is you can
make a graph starting around 1100 hrs. Write down the angle of the sun (using
the sextant) and note the time - if the number (angle) is getting smaller you
missed it - better luck tomorrow. If it is increasing keep measuring every five
minutes or so 'til it starts to decline. The point between rise and fall is you
meridian passage. Note down the angle at that time.
For today the angle at LAN - which was at 11:47 EST in
Australia (+10 UTC) - was found to be 50 degrees 38.2 minutes.
So - converting back to UTC and using an almanac (note
that I used my celestial calc to do this calc) to correct time and Hs (angle
observed) we find that for the center of the sun (corrected for shooting to the
North) we get a Latitude of -024 degrees 44.8 minutes (neg is south). This is
close to the GPS' reading of 24 degrees 45.678 minutes.
So how did we do - OK. The reported position is about 1.5
nm from the actual position. No bad if you consider all we need to do was
measure the angle of the sun at its zenith then convert local time to UTC. For
more accurate fixes - as in the case of finding a reef pass etc - we'd want to
get a three point fix going with more celestial bodies. This is an easy sight to
take however and can be worked out in about 10 minutes if you can pre-compute a
rough LAN time for your graph.
For a bit of trivia - let say you're in a lifeboat with no
nautical almanac to find you LAN at UTC time. There are four times of the year
you know exactly where you are if the sun is directly overhead (i.e. Hc = 90
degrees). These are the two equinoxes (if you were right on the equator) and
then the two solstices for winter and summer (at roughly 23 degrees 26 minutes
Coral Coast,
April 28, 2007
We asked our very handsome friend Mark Bruno from Skardu two years ago
what I would to improve Mico's looks - he just said we needed to paint the green
stripe. He was soooo right! After obsessing about this small detail for years
it's finally done - no sweat actually compared to the battle which was the
interior painting job.
I've learned a lot about selling a yacht in a foreign port
from being in Australia. Lots of our friends have decided to head for land after
fulfilling all their dreams crossing the Pacific. There was a rumor in Mexico
that it was a breeze to sell your yacht in Australia and that you were
guaranteed to make a profit. While the exchange rate IS very favorable (for
Australians) this is NOT an easy place to let the yacht go. I thought the French
had invented bureaucracy but the Aussie have perfected it! Expect to pay heavily
if you decide to "import" the yacht before the sale ... Send me an email if you
want more info and I'll put you in touch with the source. That said if anyone is
interested in probably THE MOST GORGEOUS Walter Greene catamaran ever launched
(he built if for himself) then boy do I have a deal for you!
Mico now has a completely re-upholstered interior for the
price of about one boat dollar. While the material is pretty cool - ultrasuede -
the work is, well, not exactly what you'd call yacht-quality - at least we paid
yacht-prices?! If you want an anti-recommendation for an upholster in Bundy talk
to us.

The freshly coiffed Mico Verde ...
Also - we have to give major props to the nice folks from
Bumfuzzle on the completion of their
circumnavigation. Also, Alex Dorsey
finally got his his Westsail 28 ass out of Panama and down to the South
BTW - we require music to live on Mico - I suggest that everyone reading this go
out and buy the new Spank Rock
record now ...
No Dark n' Stormies were injurned or abused (much) in the writing of this blog.

Can you believe this is the photo they're using for my
Indonesian cruising permit? Please let this nice cyborg into your fine country.

A happy Steph post painting madness
Coral Coast,
April 25, 2007
We've finally compiled a few notes and pics from
our trip to Melbourne a couple weeks back.
Today is ANZAC day in Aussie which is pretty much a
combination of Veteran's Day and the Fourth of July for any Yankees reading this
blog. It's also the only day of the year that it's legal to play "two up" in
If you're curious what we've been up to boat-work-wise
here's our task list.
April 21, 2007

Stephanie working hard in the boat prison
I can't help but to write this update in the voice of my
idol Capt. Fatty Goodlander.
SO ... I go to bed last night with Stephanie as usual and
get up the next morning to find out that I've woken up on a yacht! This week
Mico was a complete painting universe. We painted all the interior white, the
boomkin, the bowsprit, the green stripe on the hull and even the anchor. Wow -
she's looking like a million bucks or at least $60k or so.
Have I mentioned that Stephanie and I are the white
version of the Yin Yang twins?? She's the driven one that gets us moving on long
boring and usually painful projects and I'm the one who prefers to live the mañana
lifestyle. I think we'd still be amongst the newlyweds and nearly deads in
Puerta Vallarta if it wasn't for her. I've to give myself some credit too - I've
been up at 0600 every morning too (only two hours after Steph gets up).
I'll post some photos of the new and improved sexy beast
which is Mico this week.
This has not been a good week for yachts in the Aussie/NZ
area. A ghost ship showed up 80 nm off Townsville, QLD. The cat looked like the
three crew had just stepped off over the rail: dinner on the table, engine
running, sails up ... spooky. There's also
this story in Latitude today about a couple from California who 'tried' to
sail from NZ to Australia but got their clocks cleaned "real-good." No one died
happily but after getting knocked down three times in 60 kts "they're
considering all their options" after a trip back to the states.
In case you hadn't heard yet Queensland is in a major
drought. To that end I offer you this free
from the Brisbane Hip Hop artist "Ghosty" - listen to the words carefully -
there are some good tips in there, especially the one about not trying too hard
and using milk in your aquarium.
April 17, 2007
I can't believe it but we may actually be getting out of
Bundy soon ... We've made great progress on the project front this week and the
weather is not insane for once.
Last night we went to a great birthday party for a friend
and it was complete with full body tattooing and left us with very large heads
in the morning.
Had to publish these photos from Panama (thanks to SY
Moose for sharing these). Check out how unflappable this guy is - hard to
believe he's a monkey - could be any guy walking down Broadway in the summertime
in Cap Hill.

Fine strutting style

We are family!
April 12, 2007
Steph has been hard at work getting our latest journals
from traveling inland online. Here's
the report from Tasmania.

Can you believe that animals can actually look like this??
The refit is going well since we returned from our little holiday. Ms. Parry has
been working me like Kunta Kinte - seriously. Oh well, it's probably for the
best. In the past two days I fitted the new heat exchanger, replaced engine
hoses, flushed the coolant/fresh-water side like a gazillion times, put in a new
salt water pump in the galley and replaced the intake hoses for the head.
Getting the new heat exchanger in was a major milestone. The engine has been
running just a little bit hot for only the past four years or so. She seems to
be much happier with the new arrangement. I'm very excited about the prospect of
motoring at 1700 RPMs and making five knots.
The weather is Bundy has been pretty pleasant overall but it still blows like
mad night and day. Who knew this was such a windy part of the world? There's
always plenty of sun to keep the batteries topped up but we're always just on
the edge of a high pressure ridge so 25-30 knots is the norm this time of year.
Last week there was a race from Brisbane to Gladstone where not one but two
catamarans we're flipped. Did I mention that Port Bundaberg is about the
rolliest marina in the world? If you ever head this way go all the way up the
river to Midtown Marina to avoid rolling your masts out while tied to the dock.
April 10, 2007
We're back in Bundy!!! Ok, so that in itself really isn't
very exciting but our forthcoming land logs will be! Here's a little teaser
which features some of the highlights of
the cute awards held just North of Brisbane last week.
Here's a little
gallery with some images from walking around the docks and city of Hobart
(Tasmania) - it's not Van Dieman's Land anymore!
March 27, 2007
We took a nice
nine mile river cruise on a friend's cat today.
Next week we're off to Tasmania.

Father of Snoopy Star - we miss you!
March 24, 2007
Yesterday afternoon we were able to solicit some actual
expert advice from a local Boatwright Mr. John Jacobson from Burnett Heads. He's
given us the thumbs up on the bowsprit and boomkin so we can rest a little
easier at night.

Mr. Jacobson and Steph post survey work
March 22, 2007
Boat projects and
really big BATS!!
UPDATE: Checkout a few pics from
our bushwalk two
nights ago (complete with lots of roos) ...
March 20, 2007
While back in the states we had the chance to chat with
the friendly folks from FurledSails.com about our trip so far. Checkout
the interview here.
March 19, 2007
We're finally back in Aussie! We recently had the pleasure
of watching turtles hatching at Mon
Repos and had a great St. Patty's day
complete with a wedding.